seating struggle

we're struggling to find the right seating arrangement for accommodating a large family and what will hopefully be a nice full christmas tree. the pottery barn sectional is so heavy to reconfigure and really not as "modular" as one might think. just as we're about to give up and have everyone sit on the floor, i thought i'd take a time out for inspiration via these gorgeous living rooms and practical seating arrangements. {photo credits in image titles.}
sectional seating to the extreme... i'm happy our couch is significantly smaller (though, unfortunately, so is our family room.)

this seating arrangement centered around the fireplace creates the perfect holiday atmosphere. except where does the tree go?!
aha! the perfect solution: do away with our existing furniture and seat everyone around a semicircular sofa. not sure where i'd go about finding one of these but at this point it's that or the floor... guests, take your pick.


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